In order for community association members feel satisfied with how their association is run, they must understand the role of the association Board, and who to contact when they see an issue.
Are getting excited to get out and experience your city again this summer? Dark dining offers a full sensory experience, and for various takes on eating in the dark, Chicago doesn’t disappoint.
Updated September 2021 Law requires that HOA boards take meeting minutes during board meetings. But, it is also important for the board’s process and sanity to keep everything documented. For instance, meeting minutes are helpful when board members debate and come to a misunderstanding about a particular topic. Members can refer back to the minutes to recall what was actually said. This way the facts are always out on the table. The “art” of taking minutes is something all board members should be knowledgeable about. So, here are a few tips to mastering HOA meeting minutes, template included.
Get actionable tips for how to get started in property management. Learn the benefits and rewards of property management.
Chicago offers hobbies for those of all interests. Get physical or intellectual, or heighten your senses with these five COVID-appropriate Chicago hobbies.
Understand HOA rental restrictions and what renting roles, rights, and responsibilities each of the involved parties have: the renter, the landlord, the HOA, and property management company.
This month, we are excited to feature Hillcrest Property Management’s Director of Hillcrest Chicago, Caree Shtulman. Caree leads the charge on small to medium condominium, townhome, and homeowners’ associations in the city.
Due to issues with our vendor and USPS, the 2021 coupon books have been delayed. If you have not received your coupons, please pay your 2020 assessment amount: Make checks payable to your association, and your account number or unit address need to be included on your check. Mail checks to: PO Box 7780, Carol Stream, IL 60197. You can also pay online by clicking on “Payments” in the top right corner of this website. You will receive a statement showing your current balance soon. If your assessment has increased in 2021, you can pay the difference along with your February assessment. All January late fees will be waived.
Explore the benefits of being involved with your HOA. This article defines an HOA and its purpose. It will provide tips for those looking to get more engaged with their homeowners’ association, ranging from attending community events to joining the board of directors.
This article covers tips on how to create safety and security in any neighborhood or living community. These tips will include community projects as well as individual strategies and include more modern innovations such as neighborhood watch apps.