Managing an HOA budget is like walking a tightrope. You must balance quality services with reasonable costs, all while keeping homeowners happy. Sound overwhelming? Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Here’s how you can fine-tune your community’s expenses without sacrificing what makes it unique.
Imagine this: you’re coming home on a chilly Chicago evening, your favorite playlist already humming softly as the door unlocks at your arrival. The lights adjust, your thermostat dials to the perfect setting, and security systems run a final check. There is no need for manual adjustments; it’s all taken care of, thanks to smart home tech. Sounds like a sci-fi movie? Not anymore—it’s becoming the standard, even in HOA communities across Chicago.
Let’s be real: most of us barely know our neighbors. In fact, studies show over half of Americans don’t even know the folks living next door. If you’re a board member for your HOA, you might feel the challenge of trying to bring the community together in a world where door-knocking feels outdated, and people would rather scroll than stroll.
Homeowners Associations (HOAs) are integral to maintaining the quality and harmony of communities.
Often homeowner association members confuse property management companies with HOAs. Here’s the difference.
In order for community association members feel satisfied with how their association is run, they must understand the role of the association Board, and who to contact when they see an issue.
Understand HOA rental restrictions and what renting roles, rights, and responsibilities each of the involved parties have: the renter, the landlord, the HOA, and property management company.
Explore the benefits of being involved with your HOA. This article defines an HOA and its purpose. It will provide tips for those looking to get more engaged with their homeowners’ association, ranging from attending community events to joining the board of directors.
Updated November 26, 2022 There are several different condominium association rules and governing documents and it can be a challenge to keep them all straight. Nevertheless, association residents and board members will be empowered by understanding them. Likewise, knowing what happens when bylaws are violated is crucial for residents and board members alike. Here we summarize and simplify condo bylaws, declarations, and rules and regulations.
Living in a peaceful, friendly residential community is very fulfilling. Some would say it is a basic necessity. Yet, we are all human and sometimes co-habitating can be challenging, especially when residents are in close proximity to one another. Homeowners and HOAs alike may not be sure the best way to remedy, or diffuse, a situation.