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HOA Board MeetingHOA Meeting Minutes

HOA Meeting Minutes Template For Accurate Records

An HOA meeting minutes template can come in really handy, especially for a fledgling board. The minutes of a meeting serve as a record, allowing board members and homeowners to refer to them for clarifications. Poorly taken meeting minutes can lead to more misunderstandings, which is where a template comes in.   Why You Need an HOA Meeting Minutes Template Homeowners associations hold meetings regularly, both annual membership meetings and board meetings. At these meetings, it is essential to make…
May 19, 2021

2021 Coupon Booklet Statement

Due to issues with our vendor and USPS, the 2021 coupon books have been delayed. If you have not received  your coupons, please pay your 2020 assessment amount: Make checks payable to your association, and your account number or unit address need to be included on your check. Mail checks to: PO Box 7780, Carol Stream, IL 60197.  You can also pay online by clicking on “Payments” in the top right corner of this website.  You will receive a statement…
January 22, 2021
Understanding Your HOA

9 Tips To Boost HOA Community Engagement

Explore the benefits of being involved with your HOA. This article defines an HOA and its purpose. It will provide tips for those looking to get more engaged with their homeowners’ association, ranging from attending community events to joining the board of directors.
January 1, 2021