
Select one of the icons below to direct your request or concern to the appropriate department. This will give you a quicker response.

If no icon matches your specific request, you can submit all “other” inquiries here.

What is the mailing address for Hillcrest?

55 W. 22nd Street, Suite 310, Lombard, IL 60148

What is Hillcrest’s phone number?

Phone: 630-627-3303
Fax: 630-627-0033

What is my HOA responsible for?

In general, an HOA is responsible for the following:

Maintaining Common Areas: An HOA oversees communal areas like parks, amenities, and neighborhood facilities. Their duties include repairing damages, upgrading systems when needed, and maintaining both safety and appearance.
Investigating Complaints: An HOA is responsible for addressing homeowner complaints, which may involve unkempt properties, plumbing backups, cracked sidewalks, or water leaks. The association must assess whether the issue falls under its authority or the homeowner’s responsibility.
Enforcing Rules: An HOA enforces established rules to preserve property values and maintain the overall integrity of the neighborhood.

Where can I find my HOA governing documents?

You can log into your homeowner portal. From there, navigate to the “Documents” section to find your governing documents.

How can I change things in my community?

The two most effective ways to bring change to your community are:

1. Run for a position on the HOA board so you can have a better platform for the changes you want to see.
2. Seek community support to amend the governing documents.