Board members should understand the proper HOA meeting protocol. In doing so, they can hold productive and efficient meetings that homeowners will continue to participate in. Finding the right protocol can come as a challenge, but there are some things worth keeping in mind.


The Importance of an HOA Meeting Protocol

Homeowners associations hold regular meetings to conduct business, discuss issues, and vote on decisions. At these meetings, it is important to have a protocol in place.

An HOA board meeting protocol promotes transparency by keeping them open and consistent. When homeowners are allowed to attend meetings, they can understand how the board makes its decisions.

It also encourages participation from members. With clear procedures, homeowners can engage with the board, ask questions, and even provide input in a structured way.

Additionally, an HOA meeting protocol helps keep meetings efficient and on track. With time limits, agendas, and rules about speaking, boards can reduce confusion, streamline business, and stay on topic.

A protocol also fosters accountability. When board members follow proper protocol, they can ensure accurate and timely documentation. These documents, such as minutes, can then be used for future reference.

If nothing else, an HOA meeting protocol ensures legal compliance. Many states have laws that regulate board meetings, while most HOAs’ governing documents have requirements on the same.


How to Run a HOA Meeting

Board members are in charge of running HOA meetings, with the president leading everything. For those who have little to no experience, running a meeting can be overwhelming and intimidating. Fortunately, a meeting protocol serves as a guideline for HOA boards.

Here’s what to include in an HOA meeting protocol.


1. Provide Ample Notice

State laws and governing documents typically require HOAs to provide written notice of all meetings. In Illinois, 765 ILCS 160/1-40 outlines the notice requirements.

According to this law, HOAs must provide notice of membership meetings no less than 10 days and no more than 30 days before the meeting. Additionally, the same law states that the board must give homeowners notice of board meetings at least 48 hours prior.

Providing ample notice gives homeowners a chance to get their schedules in order. It encourages a higher attendance rate and improved engagement within the community.


2. Establish a Quorum

It is part of every HOA meeting protocol to establish a quorum. A quorum is the minimum number of participants required to be present at a meeting for it to proceed. Without a quorum, an HOA can’t continue the meeting, discuss issues, or vote on decisions.

Quorum requirements can vary by state and by association. Board meetings only typically require a quorum of board members. Meanwhile, annual meetings require a quorum of homeowners or voting members.


3. Follow the Agenda

HOA meeting protocol dictates that boards must follow the meeting agenda. The agenda is prepared prior to the meeting and sent out to homeowners along with the meeting notice.

An agenda allows everyone to prepare for the meeting ahead of time. Board members can educate themselves and research on topics before they participate in discussions and cast votes. The same goes for homeowners.

It is important to strictly follow the agenda. In some states, it is even required that HOAs stick to the agenda at all times. Anything outside of the agenda must be shelved for future meetings instead.


4. Keep Things Brief and Productive

It’s a good idea to allocate a set time limit for each agenda item. This keeps everything streamlined and on schedule. Meetings that run too long can discourage homeowners from attending them in the future. Because of this, boards shouldn’t allow topics to drag on.


5. Take and Distribute Minutes

For most HOAs, taking meeting minutes and distributing them afterward is mandatory. This job usually falls on the secretary, but many associations allow the secretary to delegate this task to someone else.

When taking minutes, it’s essential to stick to the facts. It’s a summary of all discussions, votes, and actions, so it shouldn’t read as a transcript or play-by-play. Keep personal opinions, judgments, and comments out of the minutes. It’s also important to adopt a professional and neutral tone.


6. Allow Open Comments

Many states and governing documents require associations to hold open forums as part of their HOA meeting protocol. Illinois is an example of such a state, as per 765 ILCS 160/1-40.

Allowing comments from homeowners encourages participation and makes residents feel heard. It also gives the board a chance to view things from the perspective of residents. From these comments, boards can gauge satisfaction and keep their ear to the ground.

Of course, it’s easy for open forums to get out of hand. Because of this, boards should impose rules on open comments, including but not limited to:

  • Giving each homeowner a time limit (typically 2 minutes) to voice their concerns or input;
  • Requiring owners to be respectful and refrain from interrupting others;
  • Not allowing a homeowner to speak twice if not everyone has had a chance to speak; and,
  • Prohibiting foul, offensive, or derogatory speech.


Robert’s Rule of Order for HOA Meetings

When an HOA doesn’t have its own protocol in place, it’s best to follow Robert’s Rules of Order. Here’s the process for handling a motion:

  1. A member makes a motion.
  2. Another member seconds the motion. If there is no second, the motion dies.
  3. The chair restates the motion. Typically, the chair is the board president.
  4. The members debate the motion. Members take their turns discussing the motion, with the chair recognizing each speaker.
  5. The chair puts the motion to a vote.
  6. After the vote, the chair announces the result.


What is the Proper HOA Meeting Etiquette?

Board members and homeowners alike should observe proper etiquette at meetings. The HOA can even include these items in its meeting rules. Here are the key things to consider for proper etiquette.

  • Attend and Arrive on Time. Everyone should respect each other’s time and arrive before the meeting starts. Arriving late can disrupt the meeting and cause unnecessary noise.
  • Participate. Board members should actively participate in discussions and votes. Homeowners should also engage in the meeting, especially during the open forum.
  • Be Prepared. Agendas are distributed ahead of time, so everyone has a chance to prepare themselves for the topics of discussion.
  • Stay on Topic. It’s important not to stray off-topic. This is what the agenda is for.
  • Avoid Heated Discussions. Board members and homeowners should be respectful of each other. It’s best to avoid getting into heated debates, escalating discussions, and responding to aggressive behavior.
  • Don’t Interrupt. When someone has the floor, everyone else should listen and refrain from interrupting. While it’s generally acceptable to bring a drink to the meeting, noisy or smelly snacks can be intrusive.


For Everyone’s Benefit

It’s always best to follow proper HOA meeting protocol, both for board members and homeowners. Respect is the name of the game, and it’s at the core of every meeting. As for meeting structure and rules, checking the governing documents is the right way to go.

Hillcrest offers HOA management services to communities in Chicago. Call us today at 630-627-3303 or contact us online to request a proposal!